Lightning Talks
[ZK Learning Group 1]​
The first ZK learning group gives ~3-minute lightning talks on various topics:
- ZK identity + pseudonymity
- Yao's Millionaire Problem
- Kate commitments
- Discrete log on elliptic curves
- Circom/snarkjs dependency graph
- ML + zkSNARKs
- Succinct blockchains + zkSNARKs
- Tornado cash
- Zcash + shielded addresses
- ZK proof of set membership
- Privacy in constant function decentralized exchanges
[ZK Learning Group 2]​
The second ZK learning group gives lightning talks on various topics:
- Botdad: Rust toolchain for circom2, interoperable with foundry
- Ram: zk-battleship (slides)
- Jason: fuzzy soulbound token transfers (slides)
- Steven/Andrew: circom-RSA for anonymity sets from github key registry (excalidraw, circuit)
- Srikar/Pratyush: decision trees in circom
- Oskar: zk-conspiracy - membership set of eth addresses, a new address can "join the conspiracy" if they ZK prove they've been tapped/attested to by at least 2 or 3 other conspirators (repo)
- 0xsage/Ansgar?: DF ZK data marketplace (slides)
- Andrii: ZK for auth systems (slides)